Jesuit Service Cambodia Annual Staff Workshop 2016!

Jesuit Service Cambodia Annual Staff Workshop 2016!
From 30th Nov to 3rd Dec. 2016, The annual staff workshop for all JSC staff was held at Don Bosco school in Kep.
A total of 88 JSC staffs attended to the workshop including coordinators of rural project offices and staffs from Banteay Prieb, Ecology, Mekong Wheelchair, Light of Mercy Home, RDAS, Ear Clinic and the head office in Phnom Penh.
Especially this year, all the staffs took 2 lectures : 1st session – ‘Our mission and Current state of affairs in Cambodian Society’ by Fr. Ingun Kang s.j. (who is teaching Philosophy at Royal Phnom Penh university) and 2nd session – ‘Media guideline in humanitarian action’ by Ms. Dawoon Chung (who is working in JSC as a communication officer).
It was a valuable time to understand our society, our mission, and the human rights. After the 1st session, the staffs had a group discussion to share their opinions about the vision of Cambodia and also about all the important issues.. like politics, economy, socio-culture and religions.
For the 2nd session, they had an activity so called “virtual interview” to practice the media guideline at the end of the program. They worked in teams to make the interview cover about designated virtual beneficiaries on the basis of humanitarian action(respecting human rights, Asking for prior consent… etc.).
We hope our staffs could have a time to think more about their mission and to strengthen capability for themselves through this workshop. These days, the head office of JSC has made various attempts to enhance the working conditions and the staffs’ capacity building.